Dyscalculia or Math Disabilities in Children

Math disability like other leaning disorders can stand in the way of children’s potential to success. As with other learning problems, early recognition of mathematical disability is the first step toward helping the struggling children to overcome it. Many parents commonly dismiss math difficulty as a normal part of life especially they too struggled with math when they were young. Many people think that math is a subject that either come naturally to a person or remains forever out of intellectual reach.


Mathematical skills are often cumulative in nature as one skill building upon previous learned skills. For example, algebraic manipulation would be impossible without an understanding of basic arithmetic. Similarly, the effects of math disabilities are also cumulative. Computational weakness can keep children from reaching high level mathematics regardless of that children’s potential for abstract mathematical thinking. Because of this, young children with math disabilities stand the best chance of reaching their potential when developmental differences are dealt with promptly before children loss confidence or develop a fear of math.

There are no single math disability because mathematical disabilities are as varied and complex as those associated with reading. In math, there are some arithmetic disabilities which can exist independent and some are the learning disabilities that can effect children’ language processing during learning. Some children experience emotional blocks as overwhelming as preclude their abilities to think responsibly and clearly when attempting math and these children are disable. But unfortunately, researchers areattempting to classify these yet to be validated or widely accepted, so caution is required when considering descriptions of differing degrees of math disabilities.

Children with disorder in math are specifically included under the definition of learning disabilities. In many Middle School Tutor Sydney, special education services are provided exclusively on the basis of children’s reading disabilities. Few children are provided substantive assessment and remediation of their math disabilities even after being identified as leaning disabled. Many learning disabled children have persist trouble to memorizing basic number facts in all operation which are add, subtract, multiplication and division. Some people think that learning disabilities in math refers to unexpected learning problems after classroom teachers or other trained professionals have provided the children with appropriate research based mathematics interventions for a sustained period of time.

The term “dyscalculia” has been used for many years to refer to a math disability. Dyscalculia is a brain based condition that make it hard to make sense of math concepts. Some children with dyscalculia can’t grasp basic number concepts and they work hard to learn and memorize basic numbers. At the other hand, many children understand the logic behind the math but they are not sure how and when to apply their knowledge to solving problems. But today, the terms learning disabilities in math and mathematical disability are more commonly used for individuals who exhibit continued difficulties in why the learning lab and applying mathematical skills and concepts. A research shows that in average 5% to 8% of school age children are identified as having as mathematical disabilities. There are many strategies and tools that help children to deal with dyscalculia or mathematical disabilities.